Islami Bank Scholarship 2019 || IBBL scholarship For HSC Students

Islami Bank Scholarship 2019– IBBL scholarship For HSC Students who attends hsc exam 2019. Today already you know what will be written we are. Today we are discourse islami bank scholarship 2019 for class HSC students. Islami Bank Limited one of the popular bank in Bangladesh. It’s also short name is IBBL (Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited). Many of times they awarded for their good works and welfare works. Every year ibbl doing some social welfare works for our population. You know Bangladesh is a developing country and here people living poverty line. Here many students very meritorious but their parents can’t continue to send school or college. IBBL scholarship 2019 for those type of students who can’t continue their study only for poverty. 

Islami Bank HSC Scholarship
Islami Bank HSC Scholarship 2019

Islami Bank Scholarship 2019 (HSC) Level

In this single post we are try to describe about ibbl scholarship 2019 for hsc students. Recently hsc result 2019 published and many poor students pass brilliantly. It’s very pleasure for financial develop family for their child. One the other hand here many poor or backward people who don’t send their child again college. Islami bank hsc scholarship 2019 is a great opportunity to poor meritorious students. They take this islami bank scholarship 2019 and grow their life as Doctor, Engineer or Teacher etc. Islami bank scholarship help our lower level population who send his her children for study. It’s a social responsibility for Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited. They help thousand of poor and backward students to grow their aim. 

Islami Bank HSC Scholarship Circular 2019

Looking islami bank hsc scholarship circular 2019? Which is recently the authority published as notice format. Students study willingly but poverty stop because of their parents undone. This is big opportunity for those type of students who can’t provides their education cost. Every passed students can be apply who brings in their hsc exam GPA 5. Only for eligible students can be apply IBBL HSC Scholarship 2019.

However, Many organization come for their social responsibility to enlighten our students. Every year we can see many students pass in their exam board stand. But unfortunately some students can’t continue their study because of poverty. Our lower level population can’t provides financial support for their child. Different type of scholarship can be help our poor students. Bangladesh scholarship 2019 provides different level such as SSC Scholarship 2019, HSC Scholarship 2019 and Honours Scholarship 2019. 

In this post we will discuss more then all bank scholarship 2019. Do you like dutch bangla bank scholarship 2019 ? Govt scholarship 2019 also found our website Many students search bd scholarship 2019 after passed in their academic class. Scholarship help us do more study and become a very noble parson. Every student want to do something in her life. Scholarship give this opportunity to everyone. Many student can not eligible for this opportunity. Are you went Bangladesh bank scholarship 2019? You need to study more and more.

Islami Bank HSC Scholarship 2019 For Eligibility Regulations

Anyone can’t be eligible for apply ibbl hsc scholarship 2019. The authority have a some rules. Below we are type all regulators which is provides ibbl scholarship 2019.

  • You must be passed HSC exam 2019 can apply for this scholarship.
  • You have to continue their two years study from college or any other same level institute.
  • You have to achieve GPA 5.00 out of GPA 5.00 grade (Disable Student 4.5) in HSC Result 2019.
  • IBBL only provides scholarship to the poor and meritorious backward students. In that case applicants have to prove that they can’t bear their everyday educational expenditure.

Islami Bank HSC Scholarship Program 2019 Criteria:

  • Application opening: 20th July 2019
  • Application closing: 25th July 2019
  • Primary Selected Candidate list Publish Date:

Islami Bank HSC Scholarship 2019 Amount & Duration

Study Stage Duration Monthly Payment Yearly Grants
Honours 3-5 years (renewable) 3000-4500 TK For Books & Clothing 3,000TK

Islami Bank HSC Scholarship 2019 of Application procedure

  • Verified copy of mark sheet.
  • One (1)  copy verified color photo (5 F).
  • Certificate of study signed by the appropriate authority of the present educational institution.
  • In case of union council / municipality / ward councilor / job holder, monthly income certificate with reference to the job of the parent / guardian by the employer.
  • Verified copy of the Parents Freedom Certificate of the children of the freedom fighters.
  • Verified copies of disability certificates for students with disabilities.

IBBL Scholarship 2019 Tearms:

  • You can’t eligible to get other source scholarship without islami bank.
  • Information will be considered ineligible for confidential scholarship.
  • Incomplete application can’t granted.
  • Any recommendation would be considered ineligible for a scholarship.

Islami Bank Scholarship 2019 || IBBL scholarship For HSC Students

Official Website:

Islami Bank HSC Scholarship result 2019

After submission of islami bank hsc scholarship 2019 then the authority published IBBL Scholarship 2019. Many students waiting this result. Normally 30 days left then Islami bank published scholarship result.

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