SSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion 2019

SSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion 2019 for all education board Bangladesh. SSC exam start on 2nd February 2019 in this year. Maybe 15 lac students are attend this year ssc exam. Today we are wright short suggestion of ssc english 2nd paper 2019.

SSC Exam Syllabus and Mark Distribution

Grammar (Question No. 1-11): 60 marks

01. Prepositions/Articles/Parts of Speech(with clues)…………….. 5 marks

02. Prepositions/Articles/Parts of Speech (without clues)……… 5 marks

03. Table ……………………………………………. 5 marks

04. The right form of verbs ……………. 5 marks

05. Narration/Indirect speech ……….. 5 marks

06. Transformation ………………………… 10 marks

07. Completing Sentences ……………… 5 marks

08. Add Suffix or Prefix ……………………. 5 marks

09. Tag Questions …………………………….. 5 marks

10. Sentence Connectors/Linking Words ……. 5 marks

11. Punctuation and Capitalization ………………. 5 marks

Composition (Question No. 12-15): 40 marks

01. Writing CV ……………………………………. 8 marks

02. Application/E-mail writing ………. 10 marks

03. Paragraph Writing …………………….. 10 marks

04. Short Composition ……………………. 12 marks

SSC English 2nd Paper Exclusive Suggestion for no. 4,8,10:


01. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs. 5×1 = 5

play, talk, hear, merge, happen, serve, spread, be, turn, deal

Rumour is some information that is spread by being (a) _____ about but may not be true. For instead, we (b) ____ that south Korea was going to be (c) ___ with North Korea Actually that did (d) ___ Rumour (e) ___ a very important role in forming public opinion, even on a very important matter (f) ____ roumer is done for serving certain purposes. The proposed may (g) _____ good or bad. If the roumer is to (h) _____ a political purpose, it may (i) ____ very harmful to the nation as politics (j)___ with the interest of the nation.

02. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs. 5×1 = 5

come, rank, be, gift, give, has, earn, live, contribute, cluster

The republic of Maldives (a) _____ one of the smallest counties of South Asia it (b) ____ 1199 islands that (c) ___ into 26 major atolls people who (d) ___ to these islands from different parts of the world (e) ___ here since 3000 years ago. The natural beauties (f) ____ by God attract the tourists to enjoy them. As a result a lot of foreign currencies (g) ____ every year from the tourism that (h) _____ a lot to the national economy. So, the Maldives (i) ____ as the best tourist destination, special importance (j)___ by the government to the Maldives for the enhancement of tourism.

03. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs. 5×1=5

be, call, bear, engulf, know, join, begin, bear, follow, inspire

You must have (a) _____ the name of Kazi Nazrul islam. He (b) ____ our

national poet. He (c) ___ as rebel poetas well. But he (d) ___ in a poor family. But dire needs could not (e) ___ his potentiality when the. First World War broke out, he (f) ____ the army. After the war, he (g) ____ to write poems. He wrote specialty for the down-trodden. He (h) _____ the Shelley of Bangla literature. His poems and songs (i) ____ the Bangladesh in Liberation War, So we should (j)___ his footprints in our life.

04. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs. 5×1 = 5

contribute, come, work, play, keep, need, receive, become, confine, be

Today women (a) _____ an important role in all spheres of life. They, no longer, (b) ____ to the four walls of their husband’s house. They have come out of the kitchens and (c) ___ hand in hand with men in all the development works of the government. By (d) ___ higher education they (e) ___ pilots, doctors, engineers, teachers, administrations etc. They have (f) ____ able to prove their worth. They (g) ____ much to the economy of the country. Now it has (h) ____ to the realization of the men that true development of the country is never possible (i) _____ half to the population idle at home. So it (j)___ no telling that women are playing a great role in the socio economic condition of our country.

05. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs. 5×10 = 5

ensured, cope, be, spread, develop, get, hamper, upgrade, come, reach

The literacy rate in Bangladesh is increasing day by day. We (a) ____ lucky that at present our literacy rate is 72.76%. But it is not sufficient for us. Because the literacy rate of India is 93.91%. So, in order to (b) ____ with the neighboring countries as well as the present competitive world we (c) _____ forward to educate the illiterate. If we want to (d) _____ our country, the light of education should (e) ______ among the general mass and the quality education should be (f) _____ Otherwise, we will not (g) ____ skilled resourceful manpower consequently, the systematic development will (h) ____ We should try our level best to (i) ____ our literacy rate so that we can (j) _____ our target Vision 2021.


01. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. 5×10 = 5

(a) Friend is a strong (b) bond. It does not know the (c) differ between the rich and the poor. It is an emotional (d) attach based on mutual trust. In that sense, a friend is both (e) rely and (f) believe who is ready to help us in any dangerous (g) situate. Therefore the person who does not have a good friend is really (h) fortunate. He is totally (i) deprive of enjoying the (j) please of friendship.

02. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. 5×10 = 5

(a) ___ tolerance is supposed to be a frantic (b) ___ behave. It causes (c) _____ segregate among human beings. The practice of (d) _____ bear tolerance needs to start from the very beginning of life. Parents and teachers ought to sow the seeds of tolerance in the tender hearts of (e) ____ learn. The (f) ____ family role is not (g) _____ neglect in this respect. Then comes the role of (h) _____ educate institutions. Our (i) ____ new introduced curriculum has given (j) _____ important to this issue.

03. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. 0.5×10 = 5

Smoking is a (a) danger habit. It is (b) harm to health; he is also (c) cost. A (d) smoke should not smoke (e) public. Smoking creates (f) pollute. It causes many (g) curable diseases. It causes (h) comfort to others. It causes irritation to the eye and (i) settle the mind. But there are many people who are (j) aware at the bad effects of smoking.

04. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. :5×10 = 5

The aim of (a) educated is to make a man fully equipped to be (b) use to himself and to society. A (c) true educated person should be self-reliant with regard to his (d) person needs. He should be well-mannered, (e) thought, sympathetic and cooperative. He should be (f) truth, honest, punctual and (g) duty. Punctuality is a virtue that makes a nation (h) prosper. An educated person tries to (i) move the suffering of his countrymen. He also helps others in attaining (j) self-reliant.

05. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. 5×10=5

Kindness is a divine virtue. So, we should not be (a) kind to the people in distress and even to the (b). low animals. Some wicked boys (c) joy beating the lower animals like dogs and cats. This is an (d) rational behavior. Animals are dumb (e) create in our environment. They are (t) actual harmless beings. Some animals are very (g) faith and they feel no (h) hesitate to risk their lives for our protect. So, we should be (j) sympathy to them.


Answers (Question-4)

1. (a) talked, (b) heard, (c) merged, (d) not happen, (e) plays, (f) spreading, (g) be, (h) serve, (i) turn, (j) deals

2. (a) is, (b), has, (c) clustered, (d) came, (e) have been living, (f) gifted, (g) are earned, (h) contribute, (i) is ranked, (j) is give.

3. (a) heard, (b) is (c) is known, (d) was born, (e) engulf (f) joined (g) began, (h) is called, (i) inspired, (j) follow.

4. play, (a) are confined, (b) are working (c) receiving (d) are becoming (e) been (f) contribute (g) come (h) keeping (i) needs

5. Ans : (a) are (b) cope (c) should come (d) develop, (e) be spread (f) ensure (g) be (h) be hampered (i) upgrade (j) reach

Answers (Question-8)

1. (a) friendship, (b) bondage, (c) deference, (d) attachment, (e) reliable, (f) believable, (g) situation, (h) unfortunate, (i) deprived, (j) pleasure.

2. (a) intolerance, (b) behaviour, (c) segregation, (d) bearing, (e) learners, (f) familial, (g) negligible, (h) educational, (i) newly, (j) importance.

3. (a) dangerous, (b) harmful, (c)costly, (d) smoker, (e) publicly, (f) pollution, (g) incurable, (h) discomfort, (i) unsettles, (j) unaware.

4. (a) education (b) useful (c) truly (d) personal (e) thoughtful (f) truthful (g) dutiful (h) prosperous (i) remove, (j) self- reliance

5. (a) Unkind (b)lower (c) enjoy (d) irrational (e) Creatures (f) actually (g) faithful (h) hesitation (i) protection (j) sympathetic

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